Sunday, October 11, 2015

Political action . . .

Politics is a contentious issue . . . That is the design of all things political. People need to get along and politics is the mediating thing we use. But we are not a political action thing, we are farmers. But if we look at the ideas in the previous posts, and the ones in the posts following this one, we might be able to give the reader some idea of what our political ideology is.

We will operate this farm as thought we were Republican Libertarians because this is the best way to maximize the profits we have to give away. We will operate as Socialists in the means we use to assign the benefits of what we will give away. These three political ideologies do not contend with each other, in fact they may work pretty well together. But it will take an open mind to get what I am saying here. First a few definitions:

A Republican is an advocate of a republic, a form of government that is not a monarchy or dictatorship, and is usually associated with the rule of law- Wiki

Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedomvoluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment. - Wiki

Socialism is a social and economic system characterized by social ownership and/or social control[1] of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. -Wiki

We have no problem with government, in fact we like the idea. It is only the contemporary practice of government where we find fault. We support government, but as liberals we wish to maximize out freedom of choice and exert our judgement over our own lives. All of this for the good of the society we are a part of and with with we could not do without. None of these values says we cannot engage in Green energy projects, in fact they insist on it. None of these ideologies insist that we refrain from organic farming practices, they demand it. And none of these ideas dictate how we should spend our profits, they work together well to enforce our ideas of how we should spend the profits for a better society overall, and a better society locally.

If government could spend the money better, we would not hesitate to pay taxes to support it. So our political action is liberal at its core and proud of it. This is how things ought to be, but presently are not now, in the political sphere of the United States.

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