Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015

I started writing this on October 9, so there will be breaks in writing the history of this.

               The site of today's excitment

Today is Saturday, and rain is expected all day. So we called the Ag burn hotline and got the green light to start burning some of the stuff we don't want in a landfill. The idea is to return the carbon to the earth while saving a ton of money on hauling things to a landfill.

We had to learn to build a proper burn pit. The first attempt started of poorly because I was trying not to burn wood in alongside of the paper trash. Every time the rain kicked up the fire got cold and I had to do something to get it started again. Eventually I tried covering the fire with some sheet tin and this kept the rain problem down. Then I made the pit a bit bigger and put some rotted firewood in. The fire got hot and we began making progress.

We stirred in new trash every so often. Eventually we cleared about half of the shipping container of paper trash, sorting out the plastic and textiles.

At this rate we should get the place cleared in about three years.

Post Script: We received the paperwork saying we bought the place today.

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