Sunday, October 11, 2015

Keeping it all for our own use . . .

In considering how we can give it all away, remember that there is a virtual line in the tax system. On one side of the line we can keep everything, on the other side we have to pay it to the government. It is our intention to walk that line conspicuously and so we intend to improve our lives through the products of our labor as much as we can. It is also our intention to improve the lives of everyone we work with, and for, as much as we can. It is not our intention to give the government anything we can get out of giving it. To that end we believe that investment in ideas that build a better farm are better than paying taxes:
  1. We hope to build a solar powered farm so as not to pay electrical bills.
  2. We hope to create a water stabilized environment where we do not need to import water.
  3. We hope to create a sustainable biome where we don't need to pay for chemical fertilizers.
  4. We hope to use everything to it maximum so that we don't have to pay for dumping waste.
  5. We hope to do all of this without much Bank debt, so that interest payments don't deplete our labor efforts.
  6. We hope to keep Government permissions for what we do out of our business.
In these ways we hope to give more of what we earn away and not to give it to governments, utilities, and chemical companies, all of which will use the money in ways we might not appreciate. This kept money can then be distributed as we see fit, invested in people or capital improvements, or given away to those who need it. Which brings us to a political question.

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