Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017 We have water!

Everything we do toward making the Farm idea work seems to take more time then you would think. The simple steps to making water work took months when you figured it would only take money. In this case we finally made it. The money finally got us electricity, which eventually turned into the water being made available. And what good water!
We worried that the well had been open to the air for so many years that the water might have grown some biological stuff, but Ann took a sample to the lab at the hospital and they checked it out. Aside from a bit of rust, which we will filter out using a simple particulate filter, you can drink it right out of the tap. The pump puts out 90psi of pressure and the well supports this pressure all day long.

So another big step is taken. The basic stuff we need to live is all there, except for the septic tank, a few projects to go before we tackle this one. Now all we need is to finish the tiny home and we'll be there.

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