Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017 A fine summer evening at Creekside Farm

It was a hot day in town so we ventured out with a couple of cold beers to the Farm tos sit around and dream. It wasn't nearly as hot out there.

The Farm gets a cool breeze from the coast, so the evening was delightful. We can't wait to make the move at the end of the month.

This was take near to the west edge, facing the east meadow.
The place seems larger than it really is.
From the same point as above this is the view of the home site.
 This clump of weeds is all that we couldn't knock down on Tractor Day #6.
It hides the place where our first burn pile was situated.
Behind it is the Black Walnut tree where our new well is.

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