Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25, 2017 We have movement!!!!

Spending the months wondering if any of our plans will ever see the light of day. Everything is a baby step, even the bigger steps are mostly big baby steps. Today we took another, perhpas the first step of a confident walker.

The bank gave us the loan to move forward with our plans today.

Not enough to find ourselves at the finish, but enough to build the twin tiny homes and furnish them adequately, secure electricity, bring on the water, and put up our two gates with gravel driveway. There is just enough to pay off both of our cars there as well.

The reality of these things have not quite settled in yet.


  1. And then the very next day we get word that Ann's mother is doing poorly, and that the Cinnamon Bear will drop her next litter in late March. The first gives us a reason to drive to Montana tomorrow instead of doing the work we already have to do. The second keeps us in our house until June first, instead of having it on the market in June first. Two things which prove that when you have the money, you don't have the time, and vice versa.

  2. And then the Bank reneged on the loan. Butt Holes abound.
