Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017 All else is distraction

Impatience is why I am writing today because I really haven't much to say. We are moving forward at a snail's pace, things get in the way, resources are sapped for other more pressing needs. All of this simply seems a distraction from our goals. A million non-farm issues jump into the space we open up every time we accomplish another goal. Like the berries on the farm, they pop up anywhere the ground is not cleared or maintained. We need to get there at nearly any cost.

To move things along more quickly we went out to try and qualify for a smallish bank loan yesterday. Something that will send the project quickly forward if approved. Perhaps it would be for the best if they didn't give us the money. Time will tell. We are working and wishing. Saving where we can. Dreaming of the day we can finally make the move. If nothing big happens we are still looking at early Spring to make the move, even without bank money.

But today, in my opinion, it would suit me if things were moving faster.

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