Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 15, 2015 - Puppies on the way!

So we're excited about this. Our first litter. 
Part of a much bigger plan. 

The bigger picture includes moving everyone out the the Farm and new kennels, but this takes money we simply cannot earn any other way except by breeding the high value "crop" of Basset Hound Dogs. Step one (collect underpants) was to purchase good breeding stock and enter into the professional Basset Hound breeding business. In this we intend to be successful; but it must be re-stated, emphatically, that this exploitation of living things (moral patients), as a resource, was always intended to be the first step toward building a better place for us all. Finding the Farm property was always intended to be step two. We got is a bit backward, but in the end the plan is taking shape as we intended.
Morally this is might be questioned. 

So I offer this explanatory bottom line answer to any moral concerns:
  • We intend to be farmers in the very real business of farming and exploiting animals is a part of that. Even cute, cuddly, happy, warm, friendly, long eared, and playful animals will be exploited at our Creekside Farm.
We only hope that everyone understands that we give our dogs (livestock) the best home we can afford, all they love and respect they need, and seek to find homes for their offspring which will be loving and safe.

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