This is the 2022 plan. This production layout is four times what we are growing today. Click on any of these pictures and see them larger. |
The second plan was done in April 2015 we had found the edges of the place by then. |
We had intended to plant peach trees at first but there isn't enough heat here. |
In November 2015 we decided to add themed gardens and tiny home cabins. The cabins might not work here. |
The most important thing I had to incorporate in this new plan was the idea of a no-till farm. The beds we will lay down in the coming year will be very permanent and never again worked by machines. The gardens will be set up once and then fenced without access for the tractor. From that point it will all be hand work. We took some trees down last year. This year we will get the remaining few down and begin laying out the final farm. With no house to build, there will be time to grow.
In May 2016 we had a good idea of what the land might support. So we added long walking paths. |
Second to this, and perhaps still a few years away, is the first wedding venue. We started our planning with the idea that we would eventually create a farm themed venue but a few things had to happen before we could begin. The first was a house, which is now nearly complete. The second was a real working farm,. This is the image we will build toward making this place a real farm. The first wedding venue will look much the same as a croquet pitch. Just a big flat grassy space at the front of the Farmhouse, level with the deck of the front porch, with shade cloth sails for a light cover. We will put in permanent electrical stuff and anchors for large tent rentals. We have a good design worked up for this whole thing, but first we need to get a few more things done.
In September of 2017 we refined the image a bit. But siting the house became an issue. |
We are well on the way.
Once we had a home site identified in 2018, but before we figure out that trees wouldn't work here. The Barn and Greenhouse would need more permit than we could get at the time. |
In 2019 we found the first layout that we could do. We began building a Market Garden and a separated Kitchen Garden. |
Our farm is economically self-sufficient today. Our Basset Hound breeding and boarding kennel is producing a healthy income on an ongoing basis too. We still need to put the final Kennels in, so we have some work to do still.
The 2020 layout was bit rough, but most of what we planned is working today. We have changed little in this plan since 2020, we just had to fix the soil and build a house. |
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