Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 23, 2021 Time Flies

 It has been three week since my last entry, so I figured I'd better write something. But it's not like there is too much difference between the last entry and this. Just more of the same.

We still have fourteen Bassets, six adults and eight babies, living in the tiny home with us. The pups leave us this week for their new homes and Stanley, our visitor, leaves next week. Things are going to seem much quieter around here after that. We will be keeping one of the male puppies this time. His name is Rocketdog Rockford Rhoades, we call him Rocky. Our boy ClarkeBar will retire in a year or two so bringing up his replacement allows us to control the genetics a bit. And having a puppy around will be fun. With our puppies all being sold, and food sales about to rise in Summer, we ought to be able to show a good profit this year. We are hoping for one or two more litters of pups in the second half of the year, but dong things naturally means not knowing for certain. 

Ann has been very busy in the Greenhouse and the Gardens. We have hundreds of sprouts up and more than a few rows planted. There are hundreds of plants in the Greenhouse, mostly sprouted, but there will be thousands more as the Summer draws near. I found a large number of planting benches on Craig's List a few weeks ago. A guy in McMinnville had a Pot grow in his basement and gave up on it.

I got thirty or so nice plastic benches and quite a lot of wall mounted electrical fans to move air in the greenhouse. We've set up two long benches in the Greenhouse and a few of them outside to "harden" off plants making the transition outside. We will find uses for the rest of the benches as time goes on.

True to form, we are adjusting our farming plans to include new information and try to find things that work a bit better. One of the things I am trying is planting fewer rows by scraping the soil together into deeper rows with wider spaces between. This gives the rows better drainage and the plants a deeper bed to grow roots in. It also gives us more room to move around in. The soils here are beginning to develop into fairly good dirt, but the entire farm is still a few years from being where they need to be. We have mostly solved the trash problem. Most of the debris we find now is very small glass shards. The weeds will continue to be a problem for some years going forward, but we are making progress in certain areas. 

This year's potatoes are in two very long rows at the back of the Market Garden and all of them have emerged. This year we have planted the potatoes in a full ten inches of soil with wide margins of good soil on both sides. When the plants reach twelve inches tall we will pull soil up from the edges over the plants, deepening the soil column and allowing more potatoes room to develop. That's the theory anyway.

In the corn rows we are not mounding up the dirt at all, but we are mulching the beds following planting and we are adding a bit of lime, even though our soil tester says we don't really need it. We planted six one-hundred foot rows and will plant another six in a month, then another a month later. Let's see what happens, but it is supposed to get us a whole Summer of corn to sell. Onions, garlics, and herbs are all out in the gardens growing right now, peppers, tomatoes, beans, peas, and lettuces all ought to go in soon.

There is a new row at the front of the Kitchen Garden dedicated to squash, pumpkin, gourds, and watermelons. The thing is a bit over one hundred feet long and about ten feet wide. Again, we made a berm of good soils about twelve inches deep, right down the middle, with four foot wide margins for growth to spill into. It ought to be a riot of interesting stuff growing right where people can see it from the road.  Ann is adding some Sunflowers to the row for color too.

The Strawberry patch is doing super well this year. This is the third year for the rows and Ann finally has the weed problems and excessive growth under control. We mulched the plants about a month ago and right now each plant is covered in young fruit waiting to ripen. We'll pick them in the morning, sell them in the afternoon, hopefully through the month of June. 

The house build is going along just fine. We have ninety percent of the finishing done in the bedroom side of the Farmhouse. I'm hoping to finish in that end of the house either this week or next, leaving only the great space to do. Our son Jack has agreed to help with the exterior siding portion of the house to keep us on track for moving in this year. Following the interior finishing I will be working on the roof for a month, trying to get it done before the heat of Summer sets in. Plenty to do on the house still but we are working on it nearly every day.

We have found and collected enough cabinets and shelf materials to finish the Kitchen and Bathroom. One of our counter-tops is sitting on the floor in the Kitchen right now and I'll likely make the others myself. We're still needing more paint, but we have about half of the flooring already purchased and most of the rest is either bought or easy to get. Lumber prices are ridiculous right now so we may need to hold off on doing the wrap around porch until prices come down. It will be time to find carpet soon so I'll be looking for a deal.

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