Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 25, 2021 Time Off

 We haven't taken a day off since Laffee Taffee began having false labor in the second week of March, so we took the weekend to loaf a bit.

Saturday we simply hung around. It was a  rainy day so I went out and watered the Strawberries. This might not sound right, but the rain didn't have enough water in it and we had mulched the Strawberry Field on Friday. Ann had spent a few days cleaning up the Strawberry rows and I had cleaned up the spaces in between. This is the third year for the field, so things are getting a whole lot easier to take care of. Ann pulled about two hundred plants out to make room for the ones we wanted to keep. There are about three thousand plants in the field now and all of them are covered in flowers. This is going to be a really good year for Strawberries. 

There has been a lot of work done in the Kitchen Garden this Spring. We have all the trees well pruned, though there still isn't enough growth to give us much fruit yet.  The Peaches and Herbs Garden is doing very well. The Parsley, Thyme, and a few others have grown rapidly and many of the annual herbs had re-seeded themselves and these are beginning to poke their little heads up.

Soon enough we will be planting a few rows of corn in the Kitchen Garden every few weeks. Hopefully the weather will return to normal and the heat will bring things up as they should have the past few cold years.

The thirty-four Peonies we planted in the big bulb flower bed are all up and happily showing buds. We will have a ton of flowers pretty soon and it's a good thing too, since the bulbs are all spent now and the only color we have is green.

Ann got quite a few Dahlias to plant this month. We decided to put in a few new raised beds to accommodate them. The drainage in the Kitchen Garden isn't the best, so raised beds gives us a bit more flexibility. I decided to put them at an intersection of tractor paths near the front of the Garden and since we had enough new space we also planted one of the Mimosa Trees we have grown from seed in one of the new beds.

Our plan is for five Mimosa Trees. They put out a lot of color all Summer long and also provide some strategic dappled shade. Since we are taking out most of the large trees replacing them is important. 

We have been very busy this Spring. The House build is coming along very well and I now have three rooms nearly finished and the Hallway started off right. There is still a ton of finishing work to do, but we are already planning the installation of cabinets and plumbing fixtures. I collected some Laundry Room cabinets from a Craig's List post and we are looking around for some better ones to do the Kitchen. 

Our Shower stall ought to come this week and soon we will be able to finish the bathroom. It won't be long before we're moving in.

Laffee Taffee's pups are nearly four weeks old now. We have decided to keep the pup we had named Bismarck. He will become our new male when ClarkeBar is retire in a few years. His new registered name will be Rocketdog Rockford Rhodes, Grizwold, but we'll call him Rocky. Life at Creekside Farm is good and getting better every day.

I took a bunch of pictures this evening on out evening Farm walk. I'm just going to paste them below this. We have developed enough walking path to take a walk every evening with the dogs. The path leads through every garden and past the new Greenhouse where we check on things and turn on the grow lights. The dogs really like taking the walk and we get the chance to look over all we have done and plan to do more.

This is our Peach tree

This is our new Columnar Apple

This is a side of the House I haven't show yet.
This angel is the Bedroom corner.
The Bathroom is the widows to the far right.
The Attic windows are above all.

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