Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 13, 2020 A Wet Week

The past week was proposed as the week when we got all the things to put the roof up next week. Needles to say it, but we didn't quite get there. Farming and Rain took up most of the time between working on the new Farmhouse.

I did go out and haul in one whole unit of the siding we have chosen for the house. We also bought one whole unit of OSB boards to sheath the roof trusses as they go up. One of the trusses we had come in a few weeks ago was damaged in shipping, but a guy from the truss company came out and we fixed the truss inthe rain.

We ordered the metal hurricane straps from Amazon and they said it would be the end of next week before they would come, but they came today so we're back on schedule. I will go get the remaining roof stuff Monday and Tuesday, the roof ought to go up on Thursday and Friday.

Our hope was to pick Strawberries Monday and Friday, but the rains were very heavy, so we worked other projects instead. We did pick about three bushels on Wednesday, but a lot of the fruit was a bit moldy and much of it was a bit on the small side. We kept the good ones, but made the decision to begin thinning the plants out and keeping only those plants which produced marketable fruit. All of our plants are ever-bearing varieties, so we should improve our total yield while reducing the labor needed to get the job done. There certainly are some very good berries out in the Produce Stand for sale every day, so come get some.

The weather is very cool this week, loads or rain, but the next week promises to end in glorious sunshine and much higher temperatures. So it will soon be time to build and grow again.

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