Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Help Wanted: Click Here to Grow Some Food!

This post is about our offering space in our gardens to people so that they can grow their own food. Share this with anyone you know in western Washington County. Most are welcome.

We heard yesterday that this virus problem we are having will likely re-surge in the Fall. So the next few weeks will show us the extent of the damage this virus will do in the Spring, but we can see nothing of the Fall. The cheap labor we all rely on to grow our food, and get it into the stores, will be in very short supply this year. The shortages we have seen in the past few weeks will only get worse, much worse for those who depend on our excesses of production being donated to the food banks..

We are all in this together and this is a call to action. 

If you have some open dirt, you ought to grow something to eat. Even if you don't need it yourself, others will. This year will be very bad for everyone, much worse for those who are now dependent on food banks.

 If you have no place to grow food we have space for you to use on our tiny Farm. We have tools (big and small) to loan and can help as needed. We'll let you pick as much dirt as you can reasonably take care of.

Creekside Farm, all the dirt under our feet, is available for planting. For free. 

We have dirt, soil amendments, and fencing, We will try to find you whatever seed you need, or you can provide whatever you can bring. We will water your patch in the Summer for you, or you can bring your own watering can. You can eat what you grow, or give it all away. All for free.

And if you don't want to commit to taking on a whole patch, we will have food in the ground that will need a few hours of cultivation, a few hours of picking and cleaning. Whatever time you have, we'll find work for you.

We all need to get growing. People will be going hungry and money won't be the only problem. Anyone willing to put in some time, willing to get dirty, willing to risk a happily sore back, can do something about it.

Message us on Facebook and we'll talk about it. The link is at the top of this page. 

Creekside Farm won't have food to donate in the Spring, but we will in the Summer and Fall. And it will be needed. We donated as much as we could last year, this year we don't care if we make a dime on any of it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for doing this! We do have extra sunny space in our yard now that we've cut down two large trees and this has made me realize we can put that land to good use growing some food for others.
