Saturday, February 1, 2020

February 1, 2020 Another Wet Week

I'm told that this is a "solar minimum" year, one where the Sun's Corona lacks Sunspots, so less energy is reaching us. I'm no scientist. But the source of this information contends that the cooler season with extra rain is the result. There is nothing to be done, the rain falls. Gravity is still the law.

So this past week was another rained out game. We had about three short periods of time suitable for work outdoors. We were able to get the trenching under the Farmhouse, and a drainage sump put in as well. The conduit for electricity and the first water pipe is also put in, but little else was done this week worthy of noting here.

The forecast for next week is for a clearing trend. We have an inspection scheduled for Monday. Following this we may be able to put the sub-floor framing in and this will allow a large part of the house plumbing to by piped in before the next inspection. These two things are not very weather dependent, but the ground where we will need to work gets very slippery when wet. A bit of dry weather is what we need to get things moving.

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