Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 28, 2019 Thanksgiving

We have some seriously bad colds today, the price of having people over. Neither of us have had anything like a cold for well over a year, but we also weren't exposed to people either. The bugs are holding on pretty well for nearly two weeks and keeping out productivity pretty low, but some stuff is still getting done.

We reduced the old shop hoop house to parts and built a new storage hoop house right next to the Summer Supper shelter, which is near the new home site. We took all of the storage stuff out of the  and put the workshop stuff in. Now we have better storage and the re-designed structures might survive some snow. It only too four days, but between rain storms and our virus load it took a bit longer than it should have.

Moving the shop space opened up a huge new area of planting space near the Kitchen Garden we are beginning to lay out. We have some interesting ideas, but the upshot of it all is food for eating will be planted along side of flowering plants, trees, and herbs, in a more decorative way. This new garden will be twice the size of the Market Garden, but the Market Garden will also get a fairly large expansion this Winter. All dependent on the house build of course.

The footing for the new house foundation was poured and has properly set up, ready for the next stage. We hope to put in the Stem Wall forms this coming week and get it poured soon after. The process should take less time, but there is more need for making sure things are properly laid out and square. Not really a major problem. Weather is going to become a problem this year. It has been very cold and wet so far this Fall, Winter will likely be a cooler version of Fall.

It's been cold enough that we needed to get our dogs winter coats out. We have been thinking seriously about making coats for them since buying something which does the job, and has longevity, has been a problem. Ann sewed the coats we had to modify them to work better, but the repairs and changes probably won't last, so we are looking around for a used sewing machine. We have an idea for a new pattern and have most of the parts once we find the machine to do the needle work.

Four of the five puppies went out to Critter Cabana this past week. We miss them, but one of their number is still here awaiting Christmas delivery. Stanley, his forever name, is a great little boy. He has taken over at meals and nap time in our heated doghouse. We will certainly miss him when he goes. All of our dogs seem happy and have adjusted well to the combination of new kennel mates and a litter of puppies.

The chickens slacked off in egg production once the weather got cold. We figured out the cold and dark days were the problem and put a heat lamp in the coop. Egg production rebounded. The ducks aren't laying right now.

Despite the viruses floating around and making us feel poorly Ann made a very nice little Thanksgiving Feast. But for us Thanksgiving is a daily thing, something we do.

1 comment:

  1. Found a Singer sewing machine for thirty dollars on Craig's List. It is in great condition and doesn't try to do too much, some straight stitches and a bit of zig-zag work is all we need. Saving about a hundred dollars is always a good idea and if we are somehow able to make good dog coast the thing will pay for itself in a day's time.
