Saturday, August 24, 2019

August 24th, 2019 The New Normal

Last year on this date we were anticipating our very first Summer Supper. We had built a special place, bought way too much food, wine, and beer, and had invited everyone on Sell Road. Eventually about fifty-three people came for dinner and we served them as well as we could considering that the entire thing was cooked in our tiny home. That party was a success, the next one ought to be as good, or better, if all goes well. The 2019 Summer Supper will be on September 21st at about four o'clock in the afternoon. We'll be doing a fairly straight forward burgers and dogs meal with Camp Creekside Chili on the side, over the top, or left out altogether. We will also be serving enough vegetarian and vegetable stuff to keep the vegans satisfied and enough iced tea, pop, beer, wine, and ice as well.

RSVP using the form at the top of this page to let us know who is coming.

We are hoping for seventy-five this year so you coming is important to us.

As for the past week, things are pretty much back to a new normal. Ann's helpers have continued to come (and it is really appreciated). This week Ann spent the entire week working the Gardens. Produce is coming fairly regularly, and increasing weekly, but we still haven't come to the point that we can open the produce stand. Instead we are taking our excess produce down to St. Vincent DePaul's Food Bank. We are still delivering produce and eggs once a week to our longer standing friends too.  She also began the learning prcess for fermented pickles. This is a good thing. So farming is coming along. 

I have returned to working the Farm full time, even if a bit restricted as to what I can do somewhat. The first few days of the week I spent quite a bit of time working through some cleanup projects in anticipation of building the new Summer Supper shelter. We will put the new shelter at the back corner where it is a bit better shaded from the Sun. The shelter will become the place where we put building materials once the permits come through. (We made zero progress on the permits this week.) 

From Wednesday onward I sent my time cleaning up the shop space. The past few months had left it a shambles. Tools and hardware were wildly mixed up and left everywhere, the materials and tables were covered in dust, trash, what-have-you. SO the whole thing needed cleaned up and re-organized. This morning I got the final touches finished and began cleaning up around the outside of the shop. Eventually we may get the place cleared away, time will tell. 

This afternoon we took the e-bikes up the hill to Stub Stewart park on the Trail. The weather here has been unseasonably cool, but sunny and really nice. 

This new girl will be named Abba Zabba
We also finalized the purchase of two new puppies for our Rocketdog Kennel. No only if we could build the kennel . . . The new girls will come to us from Idaho in Mid-September and we're wondering how we will get through it. But plans still have to be kept if we're ever going to make a living on this place.

This little cutey will be named Bit-o-honey
Another thing worth noting is that: somehow, without showing any of the normal warning signs, Laffee Taffee may just be pregnant for the first time. She is too young to have to go through this, so we are hoping she doesn't have to. It may be that she is merely going through a false pregnancy, only an ultrasound will tell us. We have the appointment scheduled for the coming week. This is not entirely bad news, even if we didn't intend for this to happen. I'll keep you posted.

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