Monday, February 18, 2019

February 18, 2019 Greenhouse Update

Last week was scheduled to be spent planting succession crops in the Market Garden greenhouse. Instead we spent the time repairing snow damage.

But we're back on track as of today with romaine and buttercrunch lettuce started in flats, a long with rosemary and marigolds. We also put in the first flights of carrot and radish too. These will be planted in big pots this time but will go straight into the ground on a four week repetition schedule. We have garlic and onion wintering over outside, but I may pull them and replant them into the greenhouse.

It's a full moon, so we're planting out of phase. But the greenhouse is holding sixty degrees with the door open, near eighty with it closed. The weather is 40/25 and partly cloudy.

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