Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25th, 2017 Camp Creekside

Not too much to report today, but thought ought to be recorded on a journal sometimes. We decided to rename the Farm to Camp Creekside, so long as we are living in a semi-primitive glamper trailer house. Once the farmhouse is built we'll go back to Creekside Farm. Names are important.

We got about two thirds of the insulation into the tiny house on Sunday morning, and the water heater for the house came in so Ill get the plumbing done soon. And we went out to look for ideas about interior finished walls and decided on the shower stall. So progress is being made.

A conversation during all of this led us to believe that our best course might be to divest ourselves of most of the stuff we own. The furniture goes to Habitat for Humanity, the rest to Goodwill. We will begin going through the closets and getting rid of stuff this week. But space must be regained or we simply will not fit or well waste resources on renting a storage unit for the furniture. Money won't be the only issue but it certainly is a big part of the issues that exist. We decided to lose the television cable and move our internet connection over to cellular. This ought to cut costs by about $200 a month. I bought an amplified digital antenna and the channels are more than sufficient, so Comcast goes away in a month. Part of the plan to stop paying out every cent we bring in. Our credit has taken a large jump, there is both money and credit to make our project happen. Now all I need is some time to get things done.

My worries about Jackson and our business are starting to slack off. The big projects I took, out of desperately trying to keep his head above water, are wrapping up. He's looking for other work options. My business is a tough one and I never wished for him to be in it in the first place. I am sleeping soundly once more.

Nothing much else is happening. In a few weeks we should make the move. Camp Creekside, here we come.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 9, 2017 We have siding and a roof.

We really put some time in this weekend and got the siding and the roof nailed up. I even got my finger nailed up for a moment or so. So we have some blood in the trailer project. A sacred thing.

This is the view from front to back.
The wall is the bathroom wall.
The electrical is roughed in.
This is the view of the front door.
We bought a slightly used RV hide-a-bed for the interim bed and couch.
And there is one window installed.

July 9, 2017 We have siding and a roof!

It took a long hot weekend, but the thing is dried in and square (ish) enough. Putting the siding and roof on stiffened the trailer significantly, the thing feels solid.

On this side is the pass-thru doorway.
We covered it up with siding for transport
and until the second trailer is built.
We'll cut the hole open then.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017 We have water!

Everything we do toward making the Farm idea work seems to take more time then you would think. The simple steps to making water work took months when you figured it would only take money. In this case we finally made it. The money finally got us electricity, which eventually turned into the water being made available. And what good water!
We worried that the well had been open to the air for so many years that the water might have grown some biological stuff, but Ann took a sample to the lab at the hospital and they checked it out. Aside from a bit of rust, which we will filter out using a simple particulate filter, you can drink it right out of the tap. The pump puts out 90psi of pressure and the well supports this pressure all day long.

So another big step is taken. The basic stuff we need to live is all there, except for the septic tank, a few projects to go before we tackle this one. Now all we need is to finish the tiny home and we'll be there.

July 6, 2017 A fine summer evening at Creekside Farm

It was a hot day in town so we ventured out with a couple of cold beers to the Farm tos sit around and dream. It wasn't nearly as hot out there.

The Farm gets a cool breeze from the coast, so the evening was delightful. We can't wait to make the move at the end of the month.

This was take near to the west edge, facing the east meadow.
The place seems larger than it really is.
From the same point as above this is the view of the home site.
 This clump of weeds is all that we couldn't knock down on Tractor Day #6.
It hides the place where our first burn pile was situated.
Behind it is the Black Walnut tree where our new well is.