Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27, 2016 The nuisance ticket

We just got our second notice that the property is finally in our name!  The first was a letter from a real estate agent letting me know that: if I was into buying trashy speculation properties, he had a bunch. This indicated that salesmen had seen a change. Still nothing from the County though.

The second came in the form, on the form, of a nuisance citation from the County encouraging us to clean the place up. They gave us two weeks. Before, when the trash was everywhere, not a problem. Now that wee have it piled up to removed . . . A nuisance!

Last year at this time we were having our first tractors days . . .
This was the back of the house as seen from near to where our front door will eventually be built.

  • The place was covered in trash, widely strewn around. The locals were using it as a dump site.
  • Broken glass between torn up plastic, nothing piled up.
  • There were derelict buildings everywhere, much too unsafe to let stand once they were uncovered.
  • Berries and wide cucumber ruled the land with a thorny fist, noxious plants abounded.

We scraped and we cut, piled the trash up high, knocked down the buildings, burning scrub brush and tired trees. And twenty years later, after a year of working to clear the land, we get cited to clean the place up? After twenty years of allowing people to trash the place they gave us two weeks? WTF????

We had already scheduled a tractor and dumpster day only eight days after the citation deadline . . .

The County is willing to wait.
This is the back of the house as we found it last year.

These things take time and money.
This picture is after the third tractor day.
I got the before and after text backwards.
Maybe they saw the picture and got confused?

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