Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20, 2016

The woman we are buying the property from is in the hospital for the second time. A mass of some sort in her mid-section . .  That kid can't get a break.

A few weeks ago she had a health thing and we worried about the possibility that she might not make it to the ends we were all planning together. Our hope was that we would get out project to the point where we could pay off the land sales contract and she could buy a permanent home to live her life. This project is going to take time to get to the point where we could see her safely into her own place, then we could go forward in the rest.

I took a little time to write a Last Will for her because, even if she got back into good health, having a Will is a good idea. I helped her fill it out and got it witnessed when we were making her monthly payment this month. Might be this all was a bit of good timing.

We hope she makes it, but it doesn't look good.

We heard from her brother yesterday. He's the beneficiary of the Will should she not make it. He says he is interested in seeing us taken care of should the worst happen. So we need to meet up with him. She made me the estate manager in her Will so I get the feeling she trusts me.  Her Brother has nothing to worry about.

This sucks.

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