Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016 Puppy Update

The puppies seem to have doubled in size. But not weight. We took pictures but the changes are not sufficient to warrant putting them up this time. Just the same for behavior. They are ALL squirmy, the are ALL grumpy, they are ALL hungry ALL of the time. There is a lot more puppies this time and they are eating in shifts. Their weights at week one are pretty good. none of them have gained a lot of weight.

  • Count Chocula has achieved 15.3 ounces, up from 12.1
  • Sugar Pop had reached 15 ounces, up from 11.8
  • Cocoa Pebbles 15.5 ounces up from 12.4
  • Lucky Charms 15.3 ounces, up from 12.7 
  • Toast Crunch is only 14 ounces, but looks much bigger and has gained. Up from 11.9
  • Cocoa Crispies is a mere 13.8 ounces, tiny and only up from 13
  • Alphabits is really little at 12.8 ounces, I don't know where she started.
  • BooBerry 13.8 ounces and is making prgress from the original 9 ounces
  • Honey Comb 13.1 ounces, up from 10.8

All are healthy and Ann did the de-dew-clawing a few days back. Not a trace of it remains today.

We should start seeing eyes pretty soon.

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