Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 31, 2016 Puppy Update

Junior Mint at two weeks is a heavy little girl at 3.13 lbs.
But not the largest of the group.
Her eyes are open, but she isn't up on all fours yet.
She is a laid back and calm little girl who hardly whines.
Milk Dud is an active type, always exploring.
Now that he has his eyes open he is trying to get around walking.
A respectable eater, he is up to 3.33 lbs.
He doesn't always like being held.
One look at Scotch Mallow and you'll see what we
were aiming at in breeding Carmen with Clark.
Heavy features, broad skull and nose.
Big thick everything with long ears and wrinkles.
She is the largest puppy at 4.25 lbs.
Skittles is voted the puppy most likely to get out of the yard.
She is always traveling around, using her eyes and nose.
Her eyes opened first and she was also the first to walk on all fours.
A respectable eater she weighs 3.4 lbs.
Sugar Baby was the first out and has grown to 3.7 pounds.
She has lovely markings and fine shape.
Always pragmatic, she searches out Mom.
She doesn't seem to wander.
Tootsie Roll is the sweetest of the lot.
Always quiet and willing to cuddle up. At 3.1 lbs she is cuddly enough.
Probably the best for markings, she is very symmetrical in face colors.
She favors Clark's features and likes to BARK at about 2 A.M..

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 30, 2016

The woman we have been buying the Farm property from has passed on Another wrinkle in an otherwise very wrinkly story. Since I was appointed to be her Personal Representative in the Last Will, I had hoped to help her or the last time by making sure her Brother got her rights to the property. But the future is far from certain.

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016

Nothing happening for a week now:

  • One puppy opened her eyes I posted the pictures to Facebook. 
  • The woman we bought the property from came through a surgery to remove a large mass from her stomach. The kid is tough; we really worried she wouldn't make it.
  • We did meet a relative of hers. He is the beneficiary of her Last Will, the Will of which I am her representative. Seems a nice guy.
  • We took Henri Hudson out to the Farm property on Monday, the first of our dogs to see the place. He had a great time sniffing around. We took him onto the Banks-Vernonia Trail for a short walk as well. It seems a perfect place to walk a dog: Safe, contained, flat, and soft on the sides.

But as we wait for paperwork and try to push the money together, it seems like slow going.

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 Puppy Pictures

All of our puppies are sold. Every single one of them. But here are today's pics:
Tootsie Roll has wonderful markings

Tootsie Roll is a healthy 2.25 lbs.

Milk Dud is the only male. Lovely color
Mild Dud is 2.25 lbs today.

Sugar Baby is a noisy puppy

Sugar Baby is a healthy 2.1 lbs.

Scotch Mallow is 2.55 lbs today

Scotch Mallow is one pretty puppy
Junior Mint is 2.1 lbs today

Junior Mint is GORGEOUS!
Skittles is the smallest at 2 lbs even

Skittles is an Angel, including the wings.

January 22, 2016

A few new puppy pictures.
For those of you interested in reserving a puppy, and the ability to choose one at six weeks, we still have four slots open. FYI, there is only one male and it appears that the one is already spoken for. So if you decide to get involved the puppy you will choose will be a female.

Clark poking his nose in to look in on his pups.
He has to be careful because Mother doesn't like intrusions.
It's funny that Henry does this all of the time and
Carmen doesn't seem to mind the intrusion.

January 21, 2016

Better news.

The woman (a name I don't post because I don't want to put her name on the Internet) who is selling us the Farm property had a health crisis a few days ago. We went to see her in the hospital last night and were pretty sure that she wasn't going to make it. I wrote about this a few days ago. We figured she wouldn't make it.

Last night we went to see her and it looks like she has turned the corner back towards life. Talking, but not happy In pain, but not dying.

So we're grateful for it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20, 2016 Puppy Pics

There have been two reservations so far. The reservation is both a deposit on a puppy as well as a slot in the puppy picking process. I think we will sell out this week, the puppies not being a week old, but nobody will know for certain which puppy they will get to take home. So it is exciting to say the least. To learn more: look at the Rocketdog links to the left of this posting.

Not a good picture of Junior Mint

Tootsie Roll is a smiley pup.

Look s like Mom and the kids have finally figured out supper time.

January 20, 2016

The woman we are buying the property from is in the hospital for the second time. A mass of some sort in her mid-section . .  That kid can't get a break.

A few weeks ago she had a health thing and we worried about the possibility that she might not make it to the ends we were all planning together. Our hope was that we would get out project to the point where we could pay off the land sales contract and she could buy a permanent home to live her life. This project is going to take time to get to the point where we could see her safely into her own place, then we could go forward in the rest.

I took a little time to write a Last Will for her because, even if she got back into good health, having a Will is a good idea. I helped her fill it out and got it witnessed when we were making her monthly payment this month. Might be this all was a bit of good timing.

We hope she makes it, but it doesn't look good.

We heard from her brother yesterday. He's the beneficiary of the Will should she not make it. He says he is interested in seeing us taken care of should the worst happen. So we need to meet up with him. She made me the estate manager in her Will so I get the feeling she trusts me.  Her Brother has nothing to worry about.

This sucks.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

January 16, 2016

If you are interested in getting a puppy the link is just to the left.

A map of the puppies. 

January 16, 2016 Last Night Puppy Pics

Henry Congratulating Carmen

Cinnamon is wondering what all this is about. She was unsure about Sugar Baby and Milk Dud.

Carmen was very happy to have the first two, even though she did
yell a bit at first. The rest came easier.

The work all done, everybody off to sleep. It was a good night.

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 We Have Puppies!!!

6:35 PM 1.26lb Female Tri color
Puppy named Sugar Baby
7:00 PM 1.14lb Male Tri-color.
Breech Baby
Puppy named Milk Dud
8:25 PM 1.14lbs Tri-colored Female
Puppy named Skittles
10:25 PM 1.15lbs Tri-color Female
Puppy named Scotchmallow
10:45 PM 1.09lb Tri-colored Female
Puppy named Tootsie Roll
11:25 PM 1.54lbs Tri-colored Female.
Puppy named Junior Mint

January 15, 2016

Carmen has been in labor for most of last night. We are on Facebook.
There are still many good reservation slots open.
Get in touch if you want more information.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016 Puppies Very Soon!

Carmen's temp and appetite are down, and she is nesting her box. So puppies tomorrow seems very likely. If you are interested in reserving a puppies picking slot, get in touch using the contact form on the left.
Carmen seems to be ready, She is in the box and everything looks good for tomorrow.
For those of you with reservations I have sent the SKYPE address.
For those that have not reserved a picking choice, the links are on the left.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016

Carmen is less than a week out.
Carmen's attitude about the whole puppy thing has made a remarkable come back. Last week she really didn't appear to have the right stuff to be doing this much. so much was the case that I actually made contact with a few people interested in re-homing Carmen after the puppies were gone. I am still unsure of her capacity to do the job, but only time will tell and we are just a few days away from knowing for sure.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016

I have far too much stuff to move to a small house. I suspected this, but the past few days have proven it as we re-design our living space to accommodate a puppy birthing center. Last time we had puppies we have half the furniture and half the dogs. Moving my office was a snap since I had an empty bedroom. This time the spare bedroom is a kennel and the office furniture is much larger. On top o all this, if you want to put something down, you have to pick something up.

We had to rethink the entire thing. I took every picture down to make room for all of the framed art we had stacked against walls. Eventually we had to move the dining room set so that the office had a space to moved into. It works, but barely.

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 8, 2016

If you are looking for our Facebook page:
Carmen is so very very pregnant.
She wants held, but isn't fitting in my chair very well.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 6, 2016

Starting to get some buzz on my Craig's List ad.

For those of you looking for our Hounds section . . . It is on the left.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016

Running along the road in front of the Farm is the Banks-Vernonia trail.
The left picture is headed east, the right to the west.
This was a rail bed which was re-purposed into a bike trail,
so it is a steady grade through a tunnel of green.

Snow on our photoshopped mailbox today. Real snow,

January 3, 2016

Henri and Cinnamon checking out our infrequent snowy morning.