Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 A Necessary Update.

We have been very busy since the last real update. We're nearly ready to make our move to Camp Creekside in a near permanent way.

Since I last wrote and entry we have:

  • Nearly finished a 16 x 30 foot greenhouse in the market garden site.
  • I built a custom heated sprouting chamber so that I can accelerate germination.
  • We ordered, bought, or received mysteriously, almost all of the seeds for the year's growth.
  • We finished filling the entire Cabin with everything it may need for us to move.
  • Built a custom doghouse with a heated floor. (They have yet to use it once.)
  • We have begun packing the entire house in preparation for sale.
  • We have begun renovating the interior of the house.
  • And too many other things to metion.

This is Doug the Tree
About seventy feet tall.
Things are traveling along very well. The weather was with us for the most part, this week we got snow. Since we have so many things to do in the next month, weather has not put anything off.

We were ahead on greenhouse building, now we are a bit behind. Once we have the greenhouse we can begin sprouting seeds.

Though the Cabin has yet to be used overnight, it is certainly ready. We have a generator for it which hasn't been out of its box too. Lots of new going on.

Monday, February 12, 2018

February 11, 2018 The Dogs visit Camp Creekside.

The weather  has been extraordinarily mild, and so I began taking the dogs out to the Farm for the day. We had a forty degree day with bright sunshine. The dogs figured out the best place to be about mid-morning. From the front steps they can watch the trail across the road for walkers and bicycles.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

February 3, 2018 Steaks at Camp Creekside

We brought steaks, potatoes, and dogs to celebrate a whole day at Camp Creekside. We got three small things done before beer forced us to build a fire and sit around it.

Our intentions were good. We thought of all the work we could do that would get us farther along toward building the Garden. But we drifted and not much got done today.

We cleaned up a bit, enough to start a good fire. And we moved two smallish tarps too. (Part of a garden expansion which will happen some day.) Mostly we sat around, drank beers, and vegetated.
A camp fire and Camp Creekside.

We dragged all four of our Bassets out to the Farm.
A good time was had by all.