Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8, 2017 Change of Plan

Plan 36, alternate three,  contingency one, failed this weekend.

Jack left my company and went out on his own. This leaves us short of manpower to make the plan we were working come in on time. The house needed to be on the market by month's end or we'd be living in a tiny home through the winter with four dogs. No big deal, just another plan going south on us. Happens all of the time. This was Plan 36 after all. Shit happens. But plans need to change or the bigger dream dies.

So Plan 37: Winter in place.

This sounds funny because we are in the middle of Summer. But this is a homesteading project and like the pioneers you don't leave Saint Louis after May or you won't make it to Oregon. It is more important to make the move when the chances of winning are right. The window of opportunity closed up on us. But this is merely a set-back on an otherwise good plan.

We were making good progress, and this isn't lost. We have the tiny home nearly completed, we have the money to do the project, we have the property, things are not all that bad. But we do need to winter over in our house or we won't get the price we want, making things harder than they need to be.

Plan 37 includes letting Carmen and Clarke give us another litter, so these two love birds are out in the front yard making whoppie even as I write this.  (We were keeping them separated and they weren't as happy about it as you might think.) If all goes as it should we will have puppies in 64 days. Delivery date eight weeks later.

Plan 37 includes moving the tiny home as planned in Plan 36, but using it only on weekends until Spring. We might buy the tractor soon after we have a place to work from, so that construction of the farm can begin before we arrive permanently.

Plan 37 includes selling my truck and using the money to fix Jack's truck for use as my primary truck. This solves the problem of my needing a true pickup while opening up the space we need in the driveway. Plan 37 includes building the second half of the tiny home in the driveway instead of building it on the Farm.

We will still continue with most of the other parts of previous plans. Divest ourselves of excess stuff, buy stuff, and all the rest of it. Just not try to sell a house when the season of selling isn't right.

Plan 37 includes building in the Spring of 2018. God willing and Dairy Creek doesn't flood us out.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

August 3, 2017 Update

The past few weeks have seen our continuing to build the tiny home, a few nice evenings sitting on the Farm dreaming, and a few setbacks. We have the tiny home insulated, plumbed, and electrified. If it makes it to the Farm (and there are no guarantees that my work will hold up) we will be living there in less than two weeks.  Our setbacks are not dream ending, there is nothing that will stop us this time.

Today marks the day when our resolve to move on August 12th is final.